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Supported API Providers

The list below highlights various providers you can use to obtain and exchange hazard and navigational services for your drones.

Provider Available via API Coverage Availability
Altitude Angel Weather, Space Weather, Ground Hazards, Regulations and Compliance, Flight Logging, Telemetry Storage, Aerial Separation Global: weather, space weather, ground hazards, regulatory and compliance data, flight logging, telemetry storage, aerial separation. Global controlled airspace, airports & aerodromes. (see web site for roll-out plans for additional countries/territories). NOTAMS. Data availability to DroneCode members participating in the Airspace Management Group. Aerial separation by invitation only (contact to request). Email with use case to request production API key pending GA of self-service developer portal.
workgroup/airspace/documentation/supported_apis.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/10 15:25 by Richard Parker