Table of Contents

Messaging WG


Evaluate middleware solutions for communication between GCS, drone, cloud, and between processes running on the vehicle. Select the best solution and evaluate ROS compatibility.

Some requirements include:

Weekly Messaging WG Meetings: Google Hangout, Thurs mornings PT.

Current Status

The majority of the work to date has been done by eProsima on creating a bridge between uORB and RTPS. There are repositories on Github and videos on YouTube of the progress to date:

Intel is actively working on support FastRTPS on Aero:

Open Issues

There are a few open issues to resolve:

Previous Analysis

3DR analysis and discussion on Middleware:

3DR analysis of serialization protocols:

OSRF Analysis of RTPS and why it was selected for ROS2:

Links to other middleware comparisons:

The benefits of RTPS over alternatives is: